Airbnb hack — remote controls

Ok, it’s a Friday night at 8:45 pm and you are onto your 3rd glass of wine 🍷 (it’s been one of those weeks/year) and the phone rings 📞😱 .

Your guests are upset as they can’t find the TV remote.

Your stomach sinks, surely it’s on the TV cabinet. The shops are closed. Can’t drive there … oh no! You are stuffed till the morning.


Prevention is key, have a system in place to avoid lost items. This happens with keys kept in the apartment as well.

One of our Airbnb’s has a tennis court key and we keep it on a labelled hook by the back door.

Remote control system — velcro. Works wonders. Velcro on the back of the remote and on the television cabinet. Guests enjoy the structure and easy access to essentials.

Do you have any other prevention ideas for Airbnbs? Where do you keep your remotes?

